Sunday, October 23, 2011

Economic growth in Indonesia is very good.

Fiscal management, banking and liquidity in Europe is still a contentious issue and alwaysbe awaited global investors. They are still looking at policies that have been decided,whether effective way to save European nations from the crisis.

An economist and banking analyst Mirza Adityaswara, the European crisis came slowly.So, all stakeholders felt it slowly. Investors who previously busy investing in developing countries, including Indonesia, are now consolidating their funds always their respective countries.

Work is continuing internal Kemenkeu, that investors did not run away from Indonesia are the improvement of regulations and improve the business climate in the country. "We hope so (again), but we must keep our economy in the areas of regulatory reform," said Agus.

"Economic growth in Indonesia is very good. Even the G20 meeting yesterday admitted thatamong the major countries in that platform, Indonesia's economy is one of a growingeconomy well," said Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo on with his office this weekend.


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