Monday, October 24, 2011

The characteristics of the perpetrator based on information

Police Public Relations Division Inspector General Anton Bachrul Alam in Jakarta suspected that the perpetrators of the shooting is a separatist group. "Police have asked for military assistance to pursue them," said Anton. Both players became target of the operation. Police are still explore the case by asking witnesses who saw the shooting incident. 

Here are the characteristics of the perpetrator based on information from the Head of Public Relations Inspector Anton Bahrul Alam at Police Headquarters, Road Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Monday (24/10/2011).

The first offender: 

1. Using a red dress 
2. High around 150 cm 
3. Thin body 

The second offender: 

1. Using a black dress 
2. High around 160 cm 
3. Thin body 

Both perpetrators and seizing weapons fired police chief perpetrators to the head Dominggus Octavianus. After the shooting police chief, the perpetrators fled into the jungle.

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