Friday, October 21, 2011

Terorist bomb cirebon and solo arrested in Madiun.

The pursuit of a fugitive suicide bombing at Bethel Full Gospel Church, Solo and Ad-Zikra Majid, Mapolresta Cirebon continues.  Special Detachment 88 Antiterror Police arrested a fugitive terrorist group named Cirebon Nanang Irawan alias alias Jani Ndut Nang.  He was arrested at 7:10 pm, Friday (21/10) in Madiun, East Java. 

During this time, Nanang Irawan or Nang Ndut worked in a textile mill that was near his home.  "After work he went straight home," said Liliek. He did not see any suspicious activity conducted by his son. Father from Nang ndut, Liliek Hadi Suprapto claim relief at the news of the arrest of his son in Madiun.  "Thank God, I feel very relieved," said Liliek when met at his home, Friday October 22, 2011. Because Nanang captured without any shooting.

Nang ndut was involved with a suicide bomb at the mosque Adh Dzikra, Mapolresta Cirebon, and suicide bomb at Bethel Injil Sepenuh Church, Kepunton, Solo, Central Java. Currently, the Special Detachment 88 is examined Nang Ndut. All fugitives have been caught. Fugitive who had been caught earlier is Yadi Al Hasan or Abu Fatih or Vijay, Beni Asri, and Heru Komarudin. 

Beni Asri caught in Kasiek Koto Sani, District Solok, Friday, September 30, 2011.  Meanwhile, Saturday (8 / 10) morning, Detachment 88 arrested Heru Komarudin in Senen Market, Central Jakarta. Yadi was caught Wednesday (19/10) night in Cirebon.


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