Sunday, October 23, 2011

Syanel similarity with Ayu Ting Ting.

Who is not familiar with Ayu Ting Ting who recently its popularity bounced by hits songs"Alamat Palsu". But there are colleagues who have similarity as well as a dangdut singer, Fitri Imelda or more known as Syanel.

Believe it or not, Syanel born in the same year with Ayu, in 1992, when Ayu was born in Depok, its twin was born in Bandung. 19-year-old woman was trying to build their ownimage on stage. He refused when called Ayu popularity. He was much different especially as he also has own single, "Go Again", can be viewed here.

Until now syanel did not meet directly with Ayu Ting yet Ting yetHe wants to meet with Ayuto match their similarity"Not to see youI plan to see youwant to see are directly similar,want to talk," said Syanela Sundanese accent when speaking.

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