Friday, October 21, 2011

Papuans hope right action from goverment

It need the right establishment format to maintain basic right in the land Papua so can life together, one homeland is Indonesia. This expressed Family Members Fighting Heemskercke Bonay Papua Indonesia during a press conference at Warung Daun, Jakarta, Thursday (20/10). People in Papua hope right action from goverment to take measure give support for Papua now.

"The people of Papua are often provoked now.  You should not be provoked by the agitation that is misleading the people. Independence aspirations have a purpose to find food and live," he said.

It is said Heemskercke, Papuans are now increasingly suffering because of their human rights are often used as a tool by rogue elements irresponsible. He cited, in the event when the Papuan People's Congress (KRP) III in Abepura, Papua, on Wednesday (20/10/2011) yesterday. He considered the congress had to sacrifice the people of Papua

He said, the people of Papua so far still support and respect for the President in managing the re-development within the framework of special autonomy in Papua. According to him, autonomy is a win-win solution to restore the welfare of Papuans in the unitary Republic of Indonesia.


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