Sunday, October 23, 2011

The signs if your body is nutritional deficiency

According dailymail site, recently, the condition of fatigue, lethargy, and difficulty concentrating are one of the signs if your body is iron deficiency. Substances contained in meat, eggs, and fruits that contain citamin C can make red blood cells that function to transport oxygen throughout the body.

Secondly, itching of the skin. The condition develops when the body lacks the minerals zinc(zinc) that can help to remove carbon dioxide from the body. To anticipate, you can eat nuts, seeds, and fish.

Next is the tongue pain terrace. This is because of a deficiency of vitamin B12 resulting ininjury to the tip of the lipsburning sensation in the eyesuch as burning. This condition oftenstrikes people who like to drink coffeeusers of sedatives and pain medication stomach.You can mengonusmi liver, egg yolk, ganduspinachand drinking milk for preventionmeasures.

And the last sign of the hair is dandruff and scaly skinThe emergence of these markersdue to deficiency of vitamin A which the body fights infection and improve visual functionand maintain skin ksehatanThe content of vitamin A can be obtained in carrotspotatoes,melonspapayaand others.

Therefore, from now on, keep your nutrient intake by eating materials supporting nutritional completenessFamiliarize healthy living can be done starting from a small and cheap.Thereforehealthy is expensive.

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