Friday, October 21, 2011

Police catch 10 actors in Freeport Papua

 "10 actors is the results of examination of witnesses on the scene, they carry two guns. From the shell casings found kind of caliber 5.56 mm M16 type firearms or SS1, and another 7.62 mm bullets, weapons AK47, "said Anton in Building Police Public Relations, on Friday.

Action shooting by unidentified crew in the mining area of PT Freeport re-occur, Papua.  Three civilians were reportedly killed in a shooting incident which occurred at about 4:40 pm, Friday, October 21, 2011, at kilometer 38 Abepura area, Timika.  Chief of Police Public Relations Division Inspector General Anton Bachrul Alam revealed that the shooting of three people immigrant Aloysius Margana, Jonah, and Eto, in Freeport performed by 10 strangers.

 As is known, the victim was shot while Aloysius Margana driving from the direction toward the Kilometer 40 Kilometer 38.  He was shot in the right when moving through the kilometer 40 to kilometer 38 by using the Land Rover.  Margono died on the spot.

According Anton, The Actors do not use special vehicles, but by foot. In the search, police cooperation with military forces in Papua lowering the four units of troops around the scene.


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