Friday, October 21, 2011

Democrats Apologize PKS

Max Sopacua - Vice Chairman The Democrat
Democrat want PKS still in coalition, so the vice chairman of Democrats Max Sopacua apologize to PKS above statements who tend to drive out PKS from coalition. This statements just personal opinion. Max said his party wants coalition remains intact.

"If any offense by my friends, I apologize to PKS. Democrats never threw between political parties." said Max in building MPR/DPR RI, Jakarta, Friday(21/10).

Despite the reshuffle create a reduction or increase in ministerial coalition of political parties, he promised to reprimand individual cadre of Democrats who makes offense. He was sure they were not intentional. Members of commission I DPR does not blame PKS felt that provocation of certain elements for PKS out of coalition. Instead the Democrats want to build relationships between coalition.


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